Friday, July 25, 2008

magic of making up are you using the power of the magic of making up

There are many reasons why a relationship has come to an end, one of the most common of these being that one or other person has had an affair. Often when it comes to them getting back together once more can take a very long time. Only when you know the reasons for the breakup can you work on the getting back together again and books such as "The Magic of Making Up" should help you.

For you men it is important that you spend time analyzing why it is your partner has chosen to end the relationship that you had together. The first thing that you need to start analyzing is your own behavior whilst you were together. Once you have worked out what could have caused the possible breakup of your relationship you can then see if there things you could have done to change these and prevent the situation that has arisen.

There are certain things which men clearly need to understand about women and below we offer a few pointers on those things that they need to take notice of particularly.

1. It is important that you are aware that women like to be appreciated and certainly taking time out to show them this is crucial if you want your relationship to remain strong. Simple things like saying how what a wonderful meal they prepared will clearly show to them that you do appreciate what they do to make your life together so worthwhile.

2. Many men forget over time it is important to keep on giving their partner compliments. Think back to when was the last time that you actually said that they looked great, without actually having to be pushed into saying it.

3. Just like you men, women dislike being taken for granted and often over time in relationships without realizing it this can happen. Be prepared for your partner to make comments that clearly show to you that you aren’t giving them the kind of attention that they deserve. But it won’t always be voiced sometimes it will be a gesture that they make which shows to you that they feel as if they are being taken for granted.

For many men once they are able to read the signs that their partner is not happy in their relationship then the more chances they have of actually dealing with these problems before they result in it ending. Although men may not like to rely on others to sort out their problems certainly when it comes to relationships they often need to get advice from other sources. So although you may not want to reading books such as "The Magic of Making Up" could seriously help you to work out where your relationship is going wrong and what you can do in order to rectify the situation and save it before it is too late.

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